I so appreciate all the
wonderful things that we have
received! I am very thankful
and never take anything for
granted. You and the program
have really helped us to help
those we serve in a very
tangible way.
I wanted to let you know that I am so happy to have received the new work clothing. I have been working on-call in construction but didn’t have great work gear. I picked up two jackets this week, a liner and a shell and let me tell you they will keep me much warmer than what I
had. And I look pretty good too now! Thank you!
Thank you for a fantastic time out with the kids. It was a nice way to get them out of the house for the afternoon while their mom is on away on military duty.
Please read some of the testimonials we received to see what our members think about Gifts In-Kind.
We have many successes due to the generosity of gift in kind. Banff Community House has been able to supply young new parents with quality baby clothing, children with winter boots and clothes, women with clothing to wear to a new job and many more.
I would like to share a recent endeavor. We opened our clothing cupboard one night/week to youth only. Nimah (16 yrs old) was excited to take this on as a volunteer project. She set up connections on social media (Instagram) where other youth from the community can connect to set appts to attend the youth only clothing night. This has worked out amazingly well. Nimah has great experience in program leadership while outreaching to youth that we may not have reached otherwise.
The most valuable asset of having the quality donations from gift in kind is that it not only helps families who are struggling financially but it helps these families get connected to our services such as food security programs. When families are connected in their community, they feel safe and are invested in its success.
Thanks so much for all your support in this!
Much Appreciated!
NROCRC has been so very grateful for the boxes of disposable masks, cloth masks and face shields. We have a significant number of clients who are low income and who are unable to afford disposable face masks, in particular. We’ve been able to supply clients who are coming in for help with food security and income tax filing with disposable face masks and/or cloth face masks for them and their children. Clients have been so grateful for this help, during a truly trying time for them. Our staff are also thrilled that they are able to offer this help to clients, and are also so pleased that they are able to have face shields to wear while assisting clients. Thank you so very much for supporting us, and our clients, in this way.
Thank you and the donors for all the items you have given to us. I'd like to share a couple stories (although there are many) so you can see the positive impact you are making in every day lives.
Two ladies who received the heavier coats were so thrilled to receive them. One said I'vd been layering up to go outside but with the wet snow and rain, I'm soaked before I get to where I am going. I've been soooo afraid that I'd become sick and leave myself open for Covid. The other said she had put on weight and her coat was too tight around the arms. What a struggle to get her coat off. The clothes with sleeves it was too tight sleeveless it was to cold. She was frustrated. Her words "I won the lottery today. One elderly man was so thrilled to receive "normal" pants. He whispered at my age do you think sweat pants are the answer. The smile on his face and twinkle in his eyes no money can buy.
The slippers, oh my. The ladies acted like they received their shoes for the red carpet debut. Priceless.
Let me try to explain
The clothing received are much more than pieces of merchandise received. They represent hope, self esteem, a step up, a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. An answer to prayer, a dream coming true. To see that spark come back in some of their eyes is beyond words. And it is all because of you and the donors. Please never get frustrated, or feel like quitting. You have no idea the number of lives you touch by this. Not only the recipient but those around them. Their friend, their families, all those who they tell about it plus all those who see the new spark in the person. All you do is not in vain.
On behalf of our residents.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for your very generous clothing donations and to assure you that these donations are going to local residents very much in need of such donations. Recent donations I’ve received have been distributed in three low income communities with the help of partner agencies. The appreciation from the residents is spread across their faces, with large smiles and words of thanks.
Some of these tenants where at one time homeless and are now working hard to try to rebuild their lives. Fresh, new clothes gives one a sense of pride and self-worth, which in turn helps with their confidence. Characteristics, which I believe, help with motivation and ambition when looking for employment or returning to school. What may seem to you to be a small gesture has a huge impact on my tenants. Thank you so much for your generous donations, they are being put to great use and greatly appreciated.
With gratitude,
This letter is forwarded to you on behalf of the Ottawa-Carleton Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OCAPDD) to express our profound gratitude and appreciation for your support.
Your kind donation of new clothing for our individuals helps us continue to achieve our mission “to support the personal well-being of people with developmental disabilities”.
Again, our appreciation and thanks go out to you for your kindness and generous contribution.
Jocelyne P. Lewis
Thank you so much for the masks and other items you provided us.
Our clients are so pleased to receive the masks and other items you have given us. Every time a client calls, we offer them reusable and disposable masks as well as face shields.
One gentleman I just spoke with works with Uber Eats. He was so grateful and happy when I I offered him a face shield. He is glad to pick up one when he comes for his foodbank appointment this week. When I said I could give him as many disposable masks as he needed, he said "Wow, that is really amazing. I would love to take 20 masks. I am in contact with a lot of people everyday. I don't like the risk, but I have to keep working so I can provide for my family. I need this job, I can't afford to get sick and be off work. At the same time, I am afraid to bring Covid home to my wife and kids. Thank you for thinking of us and keeping us safe".
MotherCraft Home Childcare services families’ childcare needs all over the Ottawa and surrounding areas. We have many Low-income Families who benefit greatly from the wonderful gifts we receive through your “Gifts in Kind” program. We are able to outfit children, Parents and our Home childcare Providers and their families in “NEW” clothes which are a lovely treat for many who can only afford hand me downs and Value Village deals. Always a treat to get new items. We appreciate being part of your community and hope to continue our relationship with you ongoing.Some of these tenants where at one time homeless and are now working hard to try to rebuild their lives. Fresh, new clothes gives one a sense of pride and self-worth, which in turn helps with their confidence. Characteristics, which I believe, help with motivation and ambition when looking for employment or returning to school. What may seem to you to be a small gesture has a huge impact on my tenants. Thank you so much for your generous donations, they are being put to great use and greatly appreciated.
With gratitude,
We have given the masks to people living in rooming houses and have distributed your warm clothing to many people either living on the street or in precarious housing situations during our outreach. We are so grateful for the items from Gift in Kind and it has helped us in engaging and building on connections with new clients.
We appreciate all of the work that GIF has provided to assist us in our outreach to the community. With the PPE and hand sanitizer, our community team have made use of the PPE supplies to safely continue our outreach efforts in the community. We also have been able to supply residents with masks for those who cannot acquire some to decrease the spread of the virus. Our harm reduction team who work with the homeless, sex trade workers and those living with addictions have been able to do this important work thanks, in part, to the donations we have received.
Our primary health care team, parent-child and assertive community treatment teams have used the PPE for staff and clients in an effort to keep everyone safe.
We appreciate and our thankful to the many businesses, organizations, individuals who have donated freely of their time, materials and equipment to keep communities safe across the region.
This donation is beneficial to the Pathways program because it will allow our staff to remain safe while doing in-person registrations in the future when public health restrictions allow. This will help support our ability to register families and youth for programs, which is a critical process to getting youth set up for our program supports.
The donation is also beneficial, as it provides us a stock of reusable PPE to distribute to families and youth so that they can keep safe in communities that are facing high levels of COVID-19 rates.
I hope that's helpful!